by David Baer, March 6, 2022
“Giving... up,” instead of “giving up,” puts the focus on God’s gift of love, which calls forth our gratitude.

Sermons preached at Highlands Presbyterian Church:
by David Baer, March 6, 2022
“Giving... up,” instead of “giving up,” puts the focus on God’s gift of love, which calls forth our gratitude.
by David Baer, February 27, 2022
Faith is not about what happens on the mountaintop. Faith begins when you come down from the heights, and you have to trust, listen to, and follow Jesus.
by David Baer, February 20, 2022
What makes a secure foundation? Jesus caps his teaching about God’s Kingdom with an appeal to put his words into practice.
by David Baer, February 13, 2022
“Do unto others” is about treating others, not as they treat us, but as God treats us.
by David Baer, February 6, 2022
Jesus prepares the disciples for their call by asking them to step out in faith, and he invites us to do the same.
by David Baer, January 30, 2022
Jesus’ first sermon provokes those who watched him grow up to a murderous rage. Often we also want to keep God’s blessings to ourselves, but it’s when those blessings are carried away from home, beyond our comfort zone, that they embrace us all.
by David Baer, January 23, 2022
We are called, in these stressful and challenging times, to follow Jesus in extending mercy and generosity to others, because this ultimately lightens the burden on all of us.
by David Baer, January 16, 2022
When the wine runs out in your life, may the presence of Jesus give you hope that the best is yet to come.
by David Baer, January 9, 2022
“You are my beloved child. In you I am well pleased!” When Jesus joins himself to us in baptism, those words are for us too.
by David Baer, January 2, 2022
When God brings you to Jesus, you can’t go back by the same road.